The sixty years of CBR |
Autho(rs): Giovanni Guido Cerri |
Giovanni Guido Cerri Editor for Radiologia Brasileira
At the moment where the 37th Brazilian Congress of Radiology is simultaneously held with the 24th Interamerican Congress of Radiology, in Belo Horizonte, in the period of October 9-12, Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis - CBR) is celebrating 60 years of existence. This landmark in the history of the specialty was founded during the First Brazilian Radiology Journey at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (Medicine Faculty of the University of São Paulo), on September 15, 1948, chaired by Rafael de Barros, Titular Professor for the Department of Radiology and Director for the Unit of Radiology at Hospital das Clínicas, with the secretary, Prof. Walter Bomfim Pontes, who greatly encouraged this movement. The event that was also the initial step for turning an idea into reality - the creation of an entity congregating physicians involved in the practice of radiology - was developed with the two major specialized centers, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, putting a lot of effort into the organization of the Brazilian Congress of Radiology, now in its 37th edition. At that time, Prof. Renato Locchi was a Director of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, supporting and paving the way for the initiative. This record is essential, considering the relevant role played by the CBR along these 60 years, by the contribution of radiologists of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, particularly Prof. Walter Bomfim Pontes, who has acted for many years as Secretary for the Board, constituting, together with Prof. José Maria Cabello Campos and Dr. José Morethzon de Castro, the first Board of Directors of the entity. For two times, the entity was chaired by physicians coming from Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas, namely, Prof. Giovanni Guido Cerri and Dr. Luiz Karpovas, who have collaborated with several and successive Boards of Directors, either in executive positions or as members of the Scientific Board. The Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas, which in 2009 will complete 15 years of existence, is the result from the work of specialists who have contributed for the formation of its current structure, namely, Prof. Rafael de Barros, Prof. Paulo de Almeida Toledo, Prof. Álvaro de Almeida Magalhães, Prof. Walter Bomfim Pontes; Dr. Apparicio de Mello, among others, with a valuable contribution to the activities of CBR, by its body of collaborators either participating in events or publication of scientific papers, and in class-interest initiatives. It is worthwhile to reflect on the role of CBR over these last six decades, congregating specialists, strengthening professional bonds, and adhering to the principles defended by Associação Médica Brasileira (Brazilian Medical Association) and Conselho Federal de Medicina (Federal Council of Medicine), in the defense of a qualified practitioner with upto-date skills. |