Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia: correlation of high-resolution computed tomography findings with anatomopathology.
Autho(rs): Edson Marchiori, Simone Damato, Rosana Rodrigues, Paulo Marcos Valiante, Renato Gonçalves de Mendonça, Tizuko Miyagui, Miguel Abidon Aidê |
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Keywords: Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, High-resolution computed tomography, Anatomopathology
Descritores: Pneumonia intersticial linfocítica, Tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, Anatomopatologia
The purpose of this study is to report the main high-resolution computed tomography findings of two patients with lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia. High-resolution computed tomography findings were correlated with pathology findings of material obtained from open biopsies. One patient had diffuse ground glass opacities seen on high-resolution computed tomography whereas the other patient had peribroncovascular thickening. Anatomopathology studies showed that the main pattern was polyclonal lymphocyte interstitial infiltration, particularly along alveolar septa. The current study demonstrated a close correlation between high-resolution computed tomography and anatomopathology findings.
A proposta do trabalho é apresentar os achados radiológicos observados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax de dois pacientes com pneumonia intersticial linfocítica e correlacioná-los com os aspectos anatomopatológicos, obtidos a partir de biópsias a céu aberto. Um dos pacientes mostrou, na tomografia, basicamente opacidades em vidro fosco difusas, e o outro tinha infiltração ao longo das bainhas conjuntivas peribroncovasculares. Na anatomopatologia o padrão predominante foi o de infiltração intersticial, especialmente ao longo dos septos alveolares, por linfócitos policlonais. O estudo mostrou estreita correlação entre os achados anatomopatológicos e aqueles observados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax.