OBJECTIVE: To describe indications, main findings and diagnosis of magnetic resonance angiographies of renal arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study including 56 imaging studies covering a total of 111 renal arteries, performed during the period between December 6, 2001 and March 11, 2004. The angiographies were performed in a 1.5 T scanner, in compliance with the Department protocol. RESULTS: As regards sex, it was found that 55.4% (n = 31) patients were male and 44.6% (n = 25) were female. The youngest patient was 12 years old and the oldest 88 years old. From a total of 25 different clinical indications, systemic arterial hypertension was the principal one with 26.7% (n = 15), followed by abdominal and/or lumbar pain with 12.5% (n = 7), abdominal aortic aneurysm with 10.7% (n = 6), renal artery stenosis with 8.9% (n = 5), and others. Among these 56 studies, 43 (76.7%) had different types of findings and 13 (23.2%) were normal. The majority of findings were related to vascular diameter and amongst them, parietal irregularities, aneurysms and stenosis were the most frequent. Parietal irregularity was the most frequent alteration in the right renal artery, with 17.87% (n = 10), and stenosis was the most frequent alteration in the left renal artery, with 25.45% (n = 14). CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance angiography has shown to be an excellent non-invasive method for evaluation of renal arteries, because of its sensitivity and multiplanar capacity for demonstrating vascular structures.
OBJETIVO: Descrever as indicações, os principais diagnósticos e os achados de imagem nas angiografias por ressonância magnética das artérias renais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, no período de 6/12/2001 a 11/3/2004, num total de 56 exames, totalizando 111 artérias renais estudadas. Os exames foram realizados em um equipamento de 1,5 tesla, segundo o protocolo do Serviço. RESULTADOS: Foi demonstrado que 55,4% (n = 31) pacientes eram masculinos e 44,6% (n = 25), femininos. O paciente mais novo tinha 12 anos e o mais velho, 88 anos. De um total de 25 diferentes indicações, a hipertensão arterial sistêmica com 26,7% (n = 15) foi a principal, seguida de dor abdominal e/ou lombar com 12,5% (n = 7), aneurisma da aorta abdominal com 10,7% (n = 6), estenose da artéria renal com 8,9% (n = 5), e outros. No que se refere às imagens, 43 (76,7%) exames tiveram algum tipo de alteração e 13 (23,2%) foram normais. Dentre os que tinham alterações, a maioria se deu no calibre, e dentre elas, as irregularidades parietais, aneurismas e estenoses foram as mais comuns. Na artéria renal direita as alterações mais comuns foram as irregularidades parietais com 17,87% (n = 10), e na artéria renal esquerda foram as estenoses com 25,45% (n = 14). CONCLUSÃO: A angio-RM mostrou-se excelente método no estudo das artérias renais, devido à sua sensibilidade e capacidade multiplanar para avaliar as estruturas vasculares.