Radiologia Brasileira - Publicação Científica Oficial do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia

AMB - Associação Médica Brasileira CNA - Comissão Nacional de Acreditação
Idioma/Language: Português Inglês

Vol. 40 nº 1 - Jan. /Feb.  of 2007


Page(s) 23 to 25

Analysis of the new classification of bone densitometry reports

Autho(rs): Osvaldo Sampaio Netto, Larissa de Oliveira Lima Coutinho, Danielle Cristina de Souza

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Texto em Português English Text

Keywords: Densitometry, Osteoporosis, Spine, Bone density

Descritores: Densitometria, Osteoporose, Coluna vertebral, Densidade óssea

OBJECTIVE: To compare the new normatization of bone densitometry reports on findings at the level of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) proposed by International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) in 2005, with the classification of World Health Organization (WHO) that was routinely been utilized since 1994. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bone densitometry studies performed on the lumbar spine of 200 patients at Universidade Católica de Brasília and Hospital das Forças Armadas, Brasília, DF, Brazil, have been evaluated. Inclusion criteria were: female gender, age ranging between 20 and 49 years, and absence of spine morphological changes visualized on the images. The exclusion criteria were: women more than 50 years or menopausal women. RESULTS: Analyzing the bone densitometry reports under the WHO classification, 29 patients were found with osteoporosis, 76 with osteopenia and 95 within normality levels. On the other hand, according to the new ISCD 2005 classification, only 32 patients presented results "below the expected range for age", and 162 "within the expected range for age". CONCLUSION: Significant differences were found when comparing the traditional WHO densitometric classification versus the new one proposed by ISCD 2005. So, this new classification should be known and understood by physicians who request or perform bone densitometry studies, aiming at the correct interpretation, explanation and orientation to the patients.

OBJETIVO: Comparar a nova normatização de laudos densitométricos de coluna lombar proposta pela International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) em 2005 com a classificação rotineiramente usada da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) desde 1994. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 200 exames de densitometria óssea da coluna lombar realizados na Universidade Católica de Brasília e no Hospital das Forças Armadas. Os critérios de inclusão foram: sexo feminino, idade mínima de 20 anos e máxima de 49 anos, e ausência de alterações morfológicas na coluna lombar visualizadas no exame densitométrico. Como critério de exclusão, foram consideradas as mulheres com mais de 50 anos ou em menopausa. RESULTADOS: Pela classificação da OMS, obtivemos 29 pacientes com osteoporose na coluna lombar, 76 com osteopenia e 95 em níveis de normalidade. Entretanto, pela nova classificação da ISCD 2005, apenas 32 pacientes foram classificados em valores "abaixo do estimado para a faixa etária" e 162, em valores "dentro do estimado para a faixa etária". CONCLUSÃO: Importante diferença foi encontrada na classificação dos resultados densitométricos ao se confrontar a classificação tradicional da OMS e a nova classificação proposta pela ISCD, o que ressalta a importância da divulgação da classificação entre os médicos que realizam e os que solicitam os exames, para a correta interpretação, explicação e orientação ao paciente.



IMD, Nuclear Medicine Specialist, Qualifying in Bone Densitometry, Professor for the Course of Medicine at Universidade Católica de Brasília
IIAcademics of the Course of Medicine at Universidade Católica de Brasília

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Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone mass,capable of resulting in development of bone fractures in theabsence of trauma or caused by a low-impacttrauma(1).

Since 1994, dual energy x-ray bone densitometry has beenconsidered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as agolden-standard for diagnosing osteoporosis(2)and so the number of bone densitometry studies has increasedconsiderably.

An American survey published in 1992 estimated 1.5 millionosteoporotic fractures per year(3), and if thisprevalence of osteoporotic fractures remains the same until 2025,about a quarter of the whole female population should presentosteoporotic fracture(4).

In the interpretation of bone densitometry studies (Table 1), the result may be expressed in bone mineral density value, standard deviation in relation to young adults (T-score), bone mineral density percentage for young adult (%T), standard deviation in relation to people in the same age range (Z-score), mineral bone density percentage for people in the same age range (%Z).



In 1994, WHO defined the criteria currently utilized worldwidein bone densitometry reports, based on standard deviation inrelation to young adult, as follows:

a) normal: standard deviation up to –1.00;

b) osteopenia: standard deviation ranging between –1,00 and–2.50;

c) osteoporosis: standard deviation = –2.50.

In an official publication of 2005, the International Societyfor Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) recommends the utilization ofthe T-score and WHO standards only for post-menopausal women andmen with = 50 years of age. In premenopausal women and men withless than 50 years of age, the Z-score utilization is recommendedas follows(5):

a) "below the expected range for age": Z-score = –2.00;

b) "within the expected range for age": Z-score >–2.00.

The present study has been developed considering this new classification for bone densitometry reports, and is aimed at comparing the new normatization of lumbar spine bone densitometry reports proposed by ISCD in 2005, with the WHO classification routinely utilized since 1994.



Two hundred spine bone densitometry studies have been analyzed; 136 of them had been performed in a Lunar® DPX-IQ equipment at Universidade Católica de Brasília, and 64 in a Hologic® QDR4500 equipment of Hospital das Forças Armadas.

Inclusion criteria were: female gender, 20 years as theminimum age, and 49 as the maximum, and absence of lumbar spinemorphological changes visualized on densitometric studies. Theexclusion criteria were: women more than 50 years or menopausalwomen.

The software MSExcelâ was employed for results analysis.



Mean age in the 200 densitometric studies analyzed was 32.42± 9.53 years (age range = 20–49 years).

Results obtained from the analysis according to the WHOclassification were the following: 29 patients with osteoporosisof the lumbar spine (T-score < –2.50), 76 with osteopenia(T-score < –1.00 and > –2.50), and 95 within normalitylevels (T-score > –1.00). Mean ages were, respectively, 43.3,31.1 and 30.2 years.

Once the new ISCD 2005 classification was applied, the resultswere the following: only 32 patients were "below the expectedrange for age" (Z-score < –2.00), and 162 "within theexpected range for age" (Z-score > –2.00).

Applying the new classification to the 29 osteoporotic patients (Table 2), 19 of them were "below the expected range for age", and 10 were "within the expected range for age".



In the present study, following the WHO criteria, we had 76 patients with osteopenia (Table 2), 13 of them "below the expected range for age", and 63 "within the expected range for age".

All the patients rated as "normal" according the WHO criteria (Table 2) remained in the group "within the expected range for age" in the ISCD classification, as it could be expected.



In 1994, the WHO normatization played a significant role inthe unification of bone densitometry reports, since, at thattime, the densitometry technique was in its very beginning, andthe studies interpretation was based on different criteria. Withsuch unification, this diagnostic method was diffused, allowing agreat progress in the knowledge of osteoporosis. In the last 12years, the terms osteoporosis and osteopenia became commonknowledge among physicians and patients. The arrival of this newclassification is significant for representing a progress in theinterpretation of this analysis methodology.

The terms Z-score and T-score must be understood byphysicians, allowing the correct interpretation of densitometricstudies, and for them to be able to explain their meaning for thepatients. In the last 12 years, T-score was the classificationstandard for bone densitometry reports. Based on this newclassification, the Z-score starts being utilized in patients upto 49 years of age, and the use of the T-score (OMS, 1994)remains restricted to patients aged 50 years or older. The factof following two different classification criteria according tothe patient's age, might complicate the study interpretation,both for the physician and the patient.

An issue to be highlighted and addressed on a case-by-casebasis, is the fact of patients aged up to 49 years who hadpreviously undergone bone densitometry studies, and, according tothe WHO criteria, had been considered as osteoporotic, and, on anew study interpreted according to the new criteria, might berated as normal ("within the expected range for age"). In oursurvey, we have found this condition in 34.5% of osteoporoticpatients.

It is important to note that ten patients rated asosteoporotic, and probably followed-up and oriented towardsstopping or reverting the disease progression, started beingrated "within the expected range for age", and, consequently,included in the normality group, in spite of the decrease intheir bone mineral density according to the WHO criteria of1994.

The fact of using this new classification "within the expectedrange for age", leads to an unconcern about these patients whohad previously been considered with low rates of bone mineraldensity an increased risk of fracture. Notwithstanding, ISCD doesnot present a proposal of conduct and treatment for eachclassification.

So, this new classification should be comprehensively known and understood by physicians who request or perform bone densitometry studies, aiming at the correct interpretation, explanation and orientation to the patients.



1. Kanis JA. Bone density measurements and osteoporosis. J Intern Med 1997;241:173–175.        [  ]

2. World Health Organization. Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis. WHO Technical Report Series, 843. Génève: WHO, 1994.        [  ]

3. Gabriel SE, Tosteson AN, Leibson CL, et al. Direct medical costs attributable to osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 2002;13:323–330.        [  ]

4. Cuddihy MT, Gabriel SE, Crowson CS, et al. Osteoporosis intervention following distal forearm fractures: a missed opportunity? Arch Intern Med 2002;162:421–426.        [  ]

5. International Society for Clinical Densitometry. The ISCD's official positions (updated 2005). Washington: ISCD, 2005.        [  ]



Mailing Address:
Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Sampaio Netto
SQN 311, Bloco I, ap. 202
Brasília, DF, 70757-090 – Brazil

Received January 27, 2006.
Accepted after revision June 29, 2006.



* Study developed at Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

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